Saturday, September 30, 2006

Misty Bell Stiers

My wife turned 32 last night in another epic S&M birthday bash. In fact, the party started the night before and really didn't stop until early this morning. 24 hours plus of good times. Pictures to come...

My wife is truly one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. From her picturesque smile and stunningly soulful eyes to her punky hair and sexy lips. But make no mistake, her beauty is not skin deep like mine. Misty gives of herself like few people I know. She's fiercely loyal to her friends and family and goes out of her way constantly to make people feel good. She makes me a better person, and as kick ass as my life was before I met her (and let me tell you it was!), it's infinitely better now with her in it. Life gets better everyday with her... I love you babe, here's to another 32 years of gett'n down with our bad selves!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will see you soon! Hooray Hooray!!