How is that possible? How can two months have already gone by?
Two months ago right now, I was disappointed thinking you'd just barely miss the 080808 birthday; but you hustled right on out to join us. You made it with plenty of time to spare. I knew you were extraordinary - and wanted so badly for you to have an extraordinary day all your own ... and you got it - not from any action on my part - but all on your own.
I have a feeling that's how you'll live your life. On your own terms.
You're so small, and yet - I can see that determination, that will inside you. You showed it today when you got your first shots at the doctor's office. At first, you wailed the saddest cry I've ever heard from you. It was so obviously your "I'm hurt" cry it brought tears to my eyes. But the next moment you got real quiet, set your little jaw and looked straight at the doctor - a look that was all "F*#! you! That all you got?!"
You are for sure our daughter. We were beamingly proud.
Your daddy and I love you something crazy. I don't know how we got so lucky as to have you pick us as your parents (I'd like to think Alice and Faris put in a good word for us.)
These past two months have been the most wonderful of my life. I always wanted to do something meaningful with my life - and I've searched long and hard to figure out what that would be.
Turns out, it was you - though the more I think about it, I might be your meaningful thing. You've already taught me so very much.
Love you, little hedgehog.
SWEET MARY that is one of the *single* cutest kids I've ever seen. Have I mentioned that? No? Well she is.
Seriously. Like eat-her-little-cheeks adorable. Good work, guys. ;)
Happy Birthday Maire! We love you.
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