Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fishes! Seals! WALRUSES!

Sorry about the lack of posts. Work has been crazy-busy and it seems summer is now officially in full swing. Last weekend we celebrated by a trip to Coney Island, one of my favorite summer respites. We ate at Nathan Famous hotdogs, toured the boardwalk (the best people watching EVER) and made our first trip to the New York City Aquarium.

I think one of our best purchases ever was the membership to the zoos in NYC, to be honest. It's already served us well - and the aquarium was amazing!

For example:
A statement with which I unerringly agree. Only I'm not sure they were thinking what I was. Nonetheless, the jellies were some of my fave exhibits.

We also saw some otters, the seal show, some manna (manta?) rays and our first ever walruses. And DAMN walruses are big! I think Sam and i agreed they were our absolute fave animal. They even had "jackass penguins" which, of course, seemed hilariously just right.

So New York Aquarium at Coney Island, we applaud you.
Good show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes aquariums suck and sometimes they rule...this one looked fun!