Monday, March 23, 2009

my super girl is sick

So we're cuddling a lot today. We had some plans but are postponing them for now, in hopes a quiet restful day will help.


Anonymous said...

Dun-dun-na-na-na... DUN DUN DUN!
Dun-dun-na-na-na... NAH NAH NAH!!!!

Superbaby is down, but not out! She's totally going to kick Mucasman's ass. I hate that guy.

Unknown said...

aww... I hope she feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope she's better today...and you can get some sleep! BTW, I just got a pic message today from you from 3/17, so weird! Thank you for the sweet Samaire St. Patty's day pic (only a week late!)