So, we've been home for a few hours now. Our friend May met us, helped us carry everything up the stairs and brought flowers AND Koala Yummies. The perfect homecoming.
Samaire is doing awesome. She's a great little eater and an even better sleeper today. She's currently crashed on the couch next to me all bundled in her sunshine blanket from Memere Hagen.
Sam hasn't slept since all this began and I'm still tired, so I'm signing off with promises of lots of pictures tomorrow. And perhaps the whole long story (which, well isn't long at all). Mostly, I just wanted to let all of you know we made it. We're home. Where everything was just as we left it - and completely different all at once.
Once upon a time someone asked Sam if life was different now that he was married. He answered, to my great swooning - "Exactly the same, but sweeter."
I think that goes for where we're at right now,too. Everything is the same, just so very much sweeter.
14 years ago
Life is good and it only gets better. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. Welcome home! We love you.
Congratulations, love to all 3 of you. Can't wait to see her. Glad you are feeling ok, just relax and enjoy that sweet bundle of joy. , Love Linda & Howard
Congrats...Glad it all went well. Life will just get better and better. Can't wait to see the pics of the little beauty. And, I have been practicing her name!
I am soooooo happy for you both. Enjoy these precious little moments for they grow up sooo fast. Can't wait to see here. Lots of Love, Jeff, Em, Mags and Chloe
Congratulations, you guys! Not to sound stalker-ish, but I've been following your whole pregnancy via your blog, sitting on the edge of my seat this last week! So happy for you both. Many Blessings!!!
I've been stalking, too! Congratulations and I can't wait for the play-by-play.
Huzzah and love to you all!
Wonderful! So happy for you guys! Can't WAIT to see photos!
I can't wait to see you guys. Congratulations!
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