Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day One

Well, day one really started Thursday and ended Friday due to travel, of course. I worked 12-14 hour days the whole week before, so by the time we got to the airport I was ready to collapse and sleep for an unending amount of time.

The airport was surprisingly easy. We were careful how we packed and checked all our bags except my big purse and breezed through check-in. John called while we were eatting and we all headed to our gate . . . I was practically falling asleep at our table during dinner, but as soon as we got to the security line and our gate, I was totally excited and ready to GO!

Here's John and Sam at the gate, reading some mag and watching the Giants/Chiefs game on the tv behind me. I was reading "O Magazine" and being chatised heavily for it.

And this is me, so excited I might burst and ready to get on the plane where I can once again show someone my PASSPORT!

I slept the sleep of the dead the whole way there. I remember none of the actual flying part. I woke up to us landing - IRELAND! But alas, no. We stopped in Shannon and couldn't get off the plane. And so I leave you with my first look at Ireland. . .

Tomorrow, the Guiness Storehouse.


em said...

The question is...did Sam leave any Guinness for the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Love the stories...keep them coming!