Things I will later blog about:
Sam's plan that our friends ALSO name their children after ghostbusters. Middle names only, as to not ask too much. Then the boys can all dress up for halloween as their namesakes, and there's something about a theme song . . .
Our trip to Florida
My dream job and dream home and how they don't mesh, even though you'd think they would.
Tim's visit - which really isn't much as I WORKED the whole time. Maybe Sam will fill you in as a guest speaker.
Small worlds and how it annoys me when people I don't know, know all my best friends (refuse to tell me how when I ask nicely) and then snub me all night (and, yes, this was a specific event and someone will probably get mad at me for writing it, but whatever. It's my blog.)
The beauty that is the Juicy Twist
How my relationship with this city mimicks an abusive relationship in a truly weird, accurate fashion - so much so that the thought of leaving actually makes my stomach lurch - is that love or codependency? I'm not sure.
The kickass guy who pierced my nose and the tatoo I'm getting (also kickass)
Um, there's lots more. Damn, I have been running SOLID since we got back (weekends included). I can't wait til next weekend.
Oh! One more thing to tell you - the AWESOME menu I have developed where each course's main ingrediant? Guiness.
14 years ago
I am drooling at the thought of all of this information!
This all sounds so good! I can't wait to hear more. I miss you poopsie :)
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