Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2005 - A List, AGAIN

I'd hate to give 2005 the shaft by doing nothing but sing the anticipation and praises of 2006. 2005 was one of my best years ever, and I want to acknowledge that.

It was the year my best friend had her first baby. I waited anxiously by the phone all day and into the night, praying for her and the baby and Phil - and the three of them fought through the madness valiantly. I'll never forget talking to Sarah that next morning. She told me he was beautiful and worth every second - and when I met him for the first time a few weeks later, I saw she was absolutely right. This little guy has captured my heart completely, and Sarah and Phil have shown me firsthand the kind of parent I want to be, the kind of parents Sam and I CAN be. They are the coolest, most patient, wonderful mom and pop. That Hagan, he's got himself a good deal.

I got my first real teaching job this year. First teaching Management Communications and then Marketing and Promotions for Non-Profits. I feel like I learned as much as I tried to convey, and it was a huge opportunity for me to try something I always wanted to do. I drives me crazy, I get anxious, I get nervous, I can't sleep - and then somehow I walk into the classroom and it all comes together. Teaching is something I think I could be really good at, and would like to do "for reals" in the future someday. (i.e. as Job #1, not just on the weekends while trying to juggle another challenging job)

And speaking of challenging jobs, this year my "real" job really had me running. But in a good way. I got a lot more opportunity to shine, and I feel like I did truly well. I wasted not one opportunity. I got a raise, there's talk of perhaps a promotion, and everyday I walk through the door greeted by some of my best friends. It doesn't get much better. We're doing a lot less tobacco work and a lot more work in my target market and I'm having a blast. I look forward to the next year and even knowing all the hard work and long nights to come, I can still say this is the best job I have ever had.

This year I went to Montana for the first time. I got to go see the space of land Sam loves most, and live his best life for a while. I met one of his best friends and the three of us had an absolutely amazing time. I learned to play poker, shot a compound bow, I hiked ten miles and I rode horses (well, even!). I even broke out my easel for the first time in a long, long time. It was a wonderful trip and I cannot wait to go back. Before we left I was nervous as hell. Scared we'd get there and I'd get sick, or not be able to do all the stuff Sam wanted to do. I envisioned myself alone in a cabin miles away from anyone else, no phone, no email, nothing; reading books and feeling left out. I proved myself wrong on all counts and couldn't' have been happier. I can understand why Sam loves it so, and now, much like him, I cannot wait to take our friends and show them how amazing it is. We've already made a deal with James - one tour of Montana for a tour of Kenya.

I turned 31. Which while not monumental means I have officially left my 20's behind. It was with very little fanfare, unlike most other of my birthdays, but it was nice and good and I felt like it was okay. I was always fearful that I'd reach this point and be disappointed in what I had accomplished so far, but, refreshingly it was quite the opposite. I felt like there were only great things ahead and so far I hadn't done too shabby in the "doing something with my life" department. Pretty cool.

Of course, hot on the heels of that birthday was the wedding. Which, I must say, is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Aside from the mountains of kindness and generosity showered on us by everyone we love most, aside from the fun and laughter and pumpkins and parties . . .I got to marry the man of my dreams. I sounds trite, I know. But for the last 67 days I have done nothing but feel like the absolute luckiest girl in the world. Our wedding, the ceremony itself, not the dress or candles or party or cake, was the most important and wonderful thing that I've ever done, been part of, been given.

So,2005, please don't feel overlooked. It's because of you I feel such hope and happiness for all the months to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2005 DID in fact drive us like it stole us... 2006 will undoubtably take us past the fast lane into LUDACRISP speed.

Love you babe, you made '05 #1! All Timey!