Monday, November 07, 2005

Mrs. Bell Stiers' Hairdo

Some people just belong with long hair. Some people can even pull off long or short hair, you know the ones, the classic beauties. My friend Jamie being one. But me? I cannot pull off long hair. I try, but it never quite works. I don't feel myself and I certainly never feel pretty. Basically, I need short hair. So Saturday afternoon, Robb-with-two-Bs, my awesome stylist, cut off ELEVEN inches. Neither of us were sad about the affair. In fact, we practically had a party right there in the salon.

He understands I need short hair, too. So after a hug and kiss from Robb, I am now officially back to my sassy short red hair, and a little girl somewhere will benefit from my long-hair-just-for-the-wedding. A fair deal in all, I think.

PS - If any of you have long hair and want to share - go here: They're good people.


Willa said...

CUTE haircut!!

~m said...

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Random Testimonial:
She looks HOT! And she's mine, all mine... excellent.

Anonymous said...

There you are!

Miss you already...I looked at all your wedding pics on my computer on the plane ride home and CRIED like a fat baby missing his cake!

Anonymous said...

that is H. O. T.