Friday, December 28, 2007


I wasn't sure what to write, or exactly how to say it. That and with so many loved ones to call, so many friends to tell in person - and yet it being such personal news . . .well, I just couldn't find the words right away.

That, and it seemed so precious. Something just for the two of us. Something that was just ours. Much like our vacation, it was something no one else knew. Something no one else could understand. Yes, others had been where we had been. Had seen what we had seen - but none like us. No one had our experience, our travels, our memories, our stories. It was just ours, that three weeks. Made all the more precious to me because.

And this was like that. I cherished holding it close. Having it just be ours. The looks I could give him, the squeeze of my hand he gave me. We sent emails back and forth, came home and planned and hoped and dreamed.

None of it felt real or safe - that it was all so magical and so unbelievable it might vanish as fast as it seemed to happen.

But, eventually, we shared our secret. One friend and family member at a time. The response of love and support has been overwhelming, exhilarating. Though, I will admit here, in our small home as we talk of furniture and rearranging and weeks and plans - it really is still ours.

Our precious, small news. Our new, precious small family.

Our soon-to-be new, small family of three.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

New Year, New Beginnings

So, it's been a crazy month or so. Sam and I returned from our trip to Asia exhausted, excited and renewed. I found out my job is being transferred of sorts to a new part of the company (a good, awesome part of it - whereas now I work in a part that just doesn't on a very basic level understand what I do, I'll be in a place that not just gets it - but VALUES it) and decided if ever I should be happy with my job it was now -

And so I went into my boss, told her what I know I'm worth and asked ever so politely that if she could work it out - title and compensation, I would stay. Otherwise I would give my two weeks in the coming year.

Within the week I was told it would happen - and while I'm not counting my chickens, things look very good for my professional life come January 2008.

Sam's job, is of course stellar, and he's being rewarded properly for it as well, giving us yet another reason to enjoy the city yet another year.

It seems, just when I think we'll go - something happens to make us stay.I'm not sure how it happens, but it always does. This city has truly become home to me, and I can't say I'm disappointed we're here for another year or so. Sitting in Montana watching "Elf" with Sam's family, all I could think was how much I missed my city all dressed up for the season, the energy that permeates this place unlike any other time of year . . .

And speaking of Montana, it was lovely. I got horribly sick, and wish I hadn't. But I did what I could to soldier through (though I did a lousy job of that). Regardless, it was three-plus days with family - lots of laughing, talking and eating - just like the holidays are supposed to be. I don't think I'll ever get used to not seeing my mom and dad over the holidays - but Sam's family is always so wonderful to me while I'm there it all but makes up.

And now we're home. Sam's at work and I'm sitting here surrounded by kleenex watching daytime tv and loving the fact I get this week off every year. Home, now, I feel worlds better and have no doubt that by early next week I'll be set and good as new.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays. It's crazy to me yet another year has flown by, but I guess I shoudl save that entry for new years. . .

Saturday, December 22, 2007


And, specifically today, Happy Solstice.

(And of course, Happy Christmas, and everything in between) We're off to Montana (it's currently three thirty in the morning (KILL ME NOW)to see Sam's family. (We had to get the first flight out in case there were weather delays)

I can't wait to get there, holidays with the Stiers clan are always a blast. Know I'll be thinking of all of you - tho more than likely there will be no proof of it here . . .no connection in the western land and all that.

Take care!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doing my part to share

Holiday joy and laughter.

Fully aware that I'm probably years behind and you've already seen all this.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Ya'll. It's too bad I'm already Married.


From: Roberto (

Sent: Sun 12/16/07 11:02 PM

To: me(at)hotmail(dot com)

Reply back if interested in my proposal
of a marital life abroad with me in Paris
in your actual life.

Roberto (France)
See my full letter here:

I love spam somedays. Though I feel a little dirty with him calling me "baby" so soon. And, um, what does he mean my "ACTUAL" life?! Should I be offeded by that?


Saturday, December 08, 2007

8 Things

Okay, Em, here you go. . .

1. I'm deathly afraid of flying, my stomach gets upset just driving to the airport, but I love travel so much I just suck it up.

2. I am secretly 12 years old and will laugh until I cry at any conversation involving bodily functions. Or even inferring one.

3. I haven't done laundry in four years.

4. I hate shopping in stores. I would rather take the cahnce of having to mail something back. I order EVERYTHING online. (Hello, identity thieves!)

5. Once I start reading a book, I have to finish it no matter how much I hate it.

6. I can't not eat or drink at least some of whatever someone gives me - I feel obligated to be polite and not hurt their feelings. No matter what it is. (this recently led me to drink an entire two pots of tea in Bangkok as the kind woman KEPT FILLING IT BACK UP)

7. I hate trhe phone, which is no secret. I desperately miss all of my friends - but my fear of interrupting their lives needlessly and inconveniently keeps me from calling. Stupid and something I'm trying to work on. Til I get over this I'm getting a phone with better texting capabilities . . . I'm such a dork.

8. I'm making plans to seriously change my life in January. From soup to nuts. A sweeping, wholesome change. I'm looking forward to it and think it's gong to do some real good in my life. But details on that I can't quite share yet.

So I guess I'm saving number 8 til January.


Was it really stuff you didn't know? Hm. I doubt it. I'll try to do it again with more interesting stuff . . .

Monday, December 03, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

Well, here I am atthe Hong kong airport just like, oh, 17? 18? days ago. Sam's behind me reading sports, both of us struggling to fill the 10 hours we have left here (overnight, so some of that will be sleeping) before we get on the plane and head home.


I'm both excited and dismayed to be going back. But I feel liek I[ve gained a wonderful sense of what I want from life right now - I have a perspective and a balance that was certainly not with me when we first boarded the plane at JFK 3 weeks ago.

And my goal moving forward is to keep that balance, that focus.

This has been the most amazing month of my life. Sam and I successfully spent three solid weeks with just each other in not always non-harrowing experiences (did we mention the gassing? or how about the canceled flight that sent us on an 8 hour overnight car trip - involving TWO cars, as we had to cross the border at one point?!)and we did well. I knwo it sounds crazy to say, but I'm proud of us. I'm proud we managed to d oall we did - but even more - that we did so having fun the whole time. It makes me love him, and who we are together, even more than I did before.

It seems change is sweeping through the blogosphere of my friends and it all seems to be good. That makes me happy. Change is coming our way, too and it feels good.

Wow. When did we all become such grown-ups about things? (Let's ignore that time a month or so ago when I creid in the aisle of th esupermarket cause I couoldn't ea tanythign I wanted: i.e. sugar and pop).

Anyway, we'll be home soon. 10 more hours in the airport, 15 on the plane and then 428 here we come!

I can't wait toshare our photos and actual stories with all of you. And even more, I can't wait to here how you've been. While three weeks isn't near long enough to be gone from my current job - it's wa ytoo long to be away from all of you guys.

See you soon stateside!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This trip just gets better and better. So no details now, I'll let Misty do that, just know we're OK. But man, that HinRAF is a crazy outfit. That's Hindu Rights Action Force for the non SE Asianers and Hindus out there. For now, lets just say sunday in KL was an adventure, the riot made CNN here, not sure about the states. But again, a few tears and a sore throat is all that lingered and now we're in Pankgor Laut.

Ladies and gents, Pankgor Laut is breathtaking, and I don't use that term often. Misty's currently getting her grove on in the spa in some sort of disturbing (for the wallet :) ) 3 hour spa treatment. I just finished one of the toughest hikes foot for foot I've ever done, 3 KMs through heavy rainforest up a rain slick hill and back down. Humid as a 'mofo but one of the most fun things I've done on the trip. I was the only one to do it today, misquito bites and gallons of sweat aside, it was totally worth it.

This island is amazing. Beautiful beaches, great food and some of the coolest wildlife ever. We saw a family of sea otters playing, ginormous monitor lizards surfing onto the beach and sun bathing right outside our sea villa, last night we ate right next to a huge fruit bat who pulled up a branch next to our table and then there's the sleek gar fish and anchovies by the thousands and crabs and the unreal hornbills that fly everywhere. We saw 2 monkeys on the side of the road on the way here and hope tomorrow morning brings more of the bannana eating crazies to our door. Misty learned Batik painting an we're both having a great time.

Best. Vacation. Ever.

Tomorrow we spend the day at Pangkor Laut and then at night are driving to Penang for another stop on the trip.

Hope all is well with everyone... Sweet Sammy say'n Sawasdee people and have a great day.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The 'Pore

Ladies and gents, it's Sweet Sammy guest blogging from the lovely and disturbingly hot and humid realm known as Singapore!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we tore it up in Bangkok and feasted on some of the best food I've ever had. Thank you Mikki for the Roti Mataba suggestion, AMAZING! And the Thai dinner was unreal too. I pounded some Singha beer and Misty got a new piercing! Yes, the back alleys of Bangkok treated us real respectable like.

Tons of other crazy stuff happened in Bangkok and we're already planning our return trip, Menam Riverside hotel, we salute you. Best - Hotel - Ever.

Anyway, now we're in the 'Pore and loving our relaxing halftime with Steven and Audry. They're our super cool and amazing friends and are the whole reason we came on this trip. Really, better people are not to be found. We're staying at their place and enjoying a local's view. Clarke Quey is a crazy cool place with giant man-wangs that hold up huge umbrella's for the outdoor clubbers... and Chinatown was great, Misty has really branched out on her food pyramid, I'm proud.

Tomorrow we head to Kuala Lumpur as we resume our trek across SE Asia. We've done so much and we're not even half way done, though that milestone will come on our swank bus ride through Maylasia, but we'll blog about that later.

We send our love to you all and highly recommend each of you take your own SE Asian adventure, we're not even half way done and I must say this is the greatest trip I've ever taken, and as my fans know, I've taken some doosies.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, the city of angels is just that. Everyone here is so very amazing. (And our hotel is to DIE FOR)

A quick run down as to what we've been up to so far -

1. Free Happy Hour, In-room Mini Bar and Breakfast at our hotel. :)

2. Rode the water taxi farther into to town, saw the amazing GIANT reclining buddha, and the temples surrounding.

3. Saw the "Happy Buddha"

4. Went through the Amulet Market. Haggled yet again. Got cool stuff.

5. Saw the HUGE standing Buddha.

6. Climbed Golden Mount. Watched the sun set over the city.

7. Wandered through Thai back alley and found cool old crazy man with his midget (wife? girlfriend? who stared really menacingly at us) and bought hand-made monk alms bowls.

8. Walked through the night flower market and Chinatown.

9. Watched the weirdest Mischa Barton and Jennifer Jason Leigh movie.

10. Traveled to the old city - saw old capital ruins, rode elephants - ate lunch at a little local restaurant all the cops ate at.

11. Did I mention RIDE ELEPHANTS?!

12. Had afternoon tea by the pool.

13. Checked emails and got you all up-to-date on WHY YOU MUST PLAN SIMILAR TRIPS!!

And we're not even done yet - there's so much I didn't mention, and so much more to come. It's breathtaking here. I can't wait to share pictures and more stories!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Greetings 1,300 miles from NYC

Hello, everyone!

Well, god bless free internet at the airport! :)

We just finished two days in Hong Kong and it was FABULOUS. There are no words to describe how amazing this trip is - and we still have over two weeks left!

Hong Kong was amazing, and beautiful and wonderfully kindred. It felt like home, but on the other side of the looking glass. I'll write more when we get back - but a couple notes -

1. My butt is too big for pretty much EVERY seat in the trains and buses. I am not asian, obviously. My western-ness has been made abundantly clear.

2. I am a language savant! I figured out the symbols for "exit now" within five minutes in the airport, and have been pointing them out everywhere I see them to Sam since.

3. Sam is not sick of me yet.

4. My ability to sleep anywhere at anytime is a super power, we have handeled the crazy time change with an amazing amount of grace.

5. I love love love it here. If we don't come back, know you now have a place to stay in Southeast Asia.

Miss you all, love you more - cannot wait to share pictures!

~misty (and sam)

PS FLying to Bangkok is possibly the coolest thing ever to do on your propose-a-versary. Ya'll should try it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Made it!

Well, I did all I could do. I organized all my files, sent out the emails . . .and headed home.

I think I am now officially on vacation!

And, while work lately has been fairly stressful and at times more than a little overwhelming -- as I left tonight I was reminded of something very important.

These people are some of my favorite people in the world. I am so very blessed. I was excited, but not a little bit sad to be leaving them for so very long.

I'll actually miss them. A lot.

(Well, not all of them. But quite a few. :) )

And so I sign off. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Much love,

Misty (& Sam)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Work piles on and on and on, I barely have time to get properly excited. Just when I think there's room to breathe, room to blink and relax . . . more comes my way.

I collapsed on the couch against Sam last night in tears, not knowing how everything would get done. Or at least done well enough for me to be happy.

Two days. Two days. Two days.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Well, let's see - what have I been up to?

Well, for those interested in a reason to come to NYC . . . in March, Nathan has a show running and yours truly will be showing some PAINTINGS in the lobby/gallery of the theater.

Yes, that's right, a show in Manhattan for little ol' me. I'm quite excited. It's a bit of a barter, I'm doing the poster/logo for their show and the producers/theater are giving me the space in return. I'm pretty excited, and not a little bit nervous.

So, friends, come on out to NYC and support two for the price of one! Nathan's show AND mine. Pretty sweet. We might even give you an autogrpah or two. (Ha. Or buy you a drink in thanks - which is probably worth quite a bit more.)

And . . . . PACKING.

Dear friends, I shall miss you, tho I'll try to post once or twice.

Starting Friday, Sam and I will be on the other side of the world - padding through ancient temples, riding elephants, trekking through jungles, and kayaking through the hongs of Phuket. (I might even take a meditation course in Bangkok.)

I'm deathly frightened and even more excited. The idea of going somewhere so different than where I'm at - to such a *foreign* place - well, as you can imagine, I can barely sleep at night with sheer anticipation. We'll more than likely be totally out of touch - mostly because of sheer technical difficulty, partly because we woudl like to be. It is a vacation after all.

But most of all, it's three whole weeks, just me and my love - exploring a new world just the two of us. No one else, no specific plans. Just him and me and new adventures.

I can't wait to tell you all about it when we get back.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Comment, and I will comment back with a picture of the fictional character that most reminds me of you. Then post the same in your journal and join in the fun!

(My friends ala Ringling are doin' this and it's such fun - Mike told me I was Jordan Baker from the Great Gatsby - which !rock! I love that book. And she's not soooooo bad. Tho she's kind of cool in her badness . . . . )

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Food&Wine Fest & PIRATES!

We went away to Florida this past weekend to celebrate with some of our fave people. I got to spend an entire weekend with my "little sister" Sarah, not to mention Les and Andy, my parents and Cathy (Sarah's mom). We. Had. A. Blast.

Here are some highlights:

This is Sarah and I right before we got on the Tower of Terror. Sam campaigned all morning for her to join us, but I want to believe it was my pointing out I'd never ask her to do something on which she'd die that really sealed the deal.

On the way to the food and wine fest . . .

Ya'll. It's SO GOOD. I think everyone should meet us there next year. Anyone up for it?

Me and my favorite girl. (And yes, it's the next day and we went back. To EAT MORE.)

Almost all of us.

And, then, we were pirates!
Me and the Pirate Queen with our pirate faces.

Me with the most handsome pirate in the park.

More of our pirate crew. (Ya'll my parents went ALL OUT - it was awesome. As a group, we rocked, quite frankly.

IT was, to say the least, a great weekend.

I miss you guys already.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

of the 29th





Promises on paper.

730 days.

104 weeks.

2 years.


I know that every day is a gamble. I know that the world isn't made for such things. That it's cruel and hard. That our lives have connected at this point, at this time, through a series of unrelated events. That kismet has smiled on us. That synchronicity has paused for us.

I know the planets still spin on as always. That there is still great sadness. Still war and trauma and hopelessness in the air. That tears are shed, and will continue to be.

I know there is nothing perfect in this world. Including us.

Each day is merely a page of a calendar whispering through the air to the floor. The small ticking of the clock echoing it's repeated call.

That regardless of our actions, our words, our promises - the sun will set. It will rise again after night. Untouched by our hopes and dreams.

I also know that never before has my heart been so full. Never before have my dreams seemed so close.

I wake every morning with hope in my heart for the next moment. I fall to sleep at peace. The warmth next to me is ever so much more than another warm body.

Every day we wake up and choose each other. And in a world where magic is thin, where so much goes wrong - I see that choice we make each moment we're together (and apart) as a small miracle.

I don't know about the rest of the world. I don't know what comes after. I know I have always believed in the magic of this world. In the possiblity that dreams are real. That hope is everlasting and inpenetrable.

And I know he has made all of that as real as anything else in my world.

my beloved

mi cielo

mo chuisle

my very heart

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Joe's First Trip to NYC (also named - Yay! Joe's Moving to NYC! or, alternately, the entry I gush about Joe and he decides to never talk to me again)

Is that second title too pushy? I can't tell . . . .

So, Joe came to visit us this past weekend, and all it took was for him to break his "lifelong" boycott of our home city and some threatening that Katy and I would COME GET HIM if he didn't. And it was such fun, I cannot even tell you. We were all SO HAPPY to have him here.

Now, we all have our lives and adventures, and Joe's story isn't mine to tell. What is mine to say, however, is that over the past few months I've watched in awe as he's been slowly sifting through his life and making it better. He's been making g a lot of hard decisions and dealing with a lot of crap - and honestly? It makes me ever so proud of him - while admiring the pants off him. (And I would, literally admire the pants off of him, only he's family - and well, that's just wrong. Though it's important, now that find myself on a tangent that the girls at my work would all admire the pants straight off of him, so there you go. Proof all at once of my love for my husband and the hotness of Joe. Awesome tangent over.)

But needless to say, Sam and I have been struggling this far away. We have wanted to do something awesome for Joe, and weren't sure what. And then one night, late and a little tipsy at our neighborhood bar, The Gaf - Katy, Sam and I decided it was time we *saw* Joe. And true to form for all of us, we concocted a plan and made it happen, and I couldn't be more proud of us.

'Cause before you could say "Bob's your Uncle!" (and why would you, really?) Joe was on a plane eating warm chocolate chip cookies and flying o'er Manhattan.

I have to interject here for a second and say Sam and I were so very excited it was on the verge of pathetic. We met after work and immediately jumped in a cab in the middle or rush hour to make sure we got to the airport to meet Joe in time. We were like children, hopping up and down in baggage claim looking to see if he was walking toward us. It was only later we thought of making a big sign that said "Welcome! Joe! Hagen!" - next time. It's also important to note we NEVER meet people at the airport. The list is very short of who that little honor goes to: Kate, Little Charlie, Jamie and Joe. Ha. One down, three to go.

ANYway, seeing Joe and Sam together makes me happy. There's always lots of laughter and joking and teasing. But it's something else, too. I know there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other and that's just plain as day when they're in each other's company. I feel lucky to have been included.

And, well. I love me some Joseph J. Always have. In our group of mutual friends, I always saw him as a sort of kindred spirit. He's my fellow designer. My fellow visual artist. He's the one I could banter endlessly about visual communication - what was good, what wasn't. Or bitch endlessly of the ignorance of pushy, narrow-minded clients. . . above and beyond that, though, I've always found it easy to talk to Joe. He's always honest with you, always upfront. And if you want to know what he thinks, he doesn't shirk from telling you.

He's not just a dreamer, he's a doer. And that's so very hard to find. He's got plans, that one. And listening to him talk about what's important to him, what he wants - well, there's no doubt he's going to make it happen. Right. And well. And when it does happen because he's put so much thought into it, it will be even better than I think even he can imagine.

I can't wait to see it.

But I'm blathering on. I guess I feel the need to. Joe entered my life in a weird place. Right when I lived far away, and we were just friends of friends. And, while over the years, we started being friends the two of us - I've never quite said to him how much I truly feel ever so lucky to have him around. When I think about maybe someday leaving this crazy city-life and heading west - part of me wants very desperately to have Joe playing catch with my son or daughter on a regular basis. Teaching them about what he thinks of Klimt and how to play dungeons and dragons baseball all in one conversation.

Being around so they can see what great, kind, kickass family they have.

So yeah. Stuff I think about.

And our weekend! Oh, the fun! There was museum wandering, sidewalk hoofing, ferry riding - and of course, ice cream eating and beer drinking. And some gin. And shots. And Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D. And birthday cake.

It. Was. Good. Times.

The pics will have to come in batches - more to come in the next few days.

Monday, October 22, 2007

My Weekend

To come - one really sappy post on how much I love Joe Hagen, and how glad I am that the world seemed fit to not just put him in my life - but make him family.

Oh, and a photo montage centered around the fact that if Sam and Joe weren't related they'd make a very cute couple.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

good day at work!

Company-wide email that went out yesterday:

"I want to thank everyone who has worked on (insert brand) on the digital and promotion side in the past year. This business started as a simple digital promotion with a very small budget. Without all the excellent and hard work that has been done over the years, we never would have been trusted to execute a signature website on a national scale. The brand too should be thanked for realizing that the internet has become an essential part of everyone's life and for committing the dollars to meet them there.

I also want to especially thank Misty Bell for her commitment to the brand and the excellent quality of her work. She has been the central creative on this account with not only the Big Idea, but all the small ones too. "

Months, people. Months. It feels so good to get this far and not only have it be successful, but appreciated. We're only half way there (now I'm designing, after all the strategy and thinking!). But I know it will go well.

Yay. Yay me! It feels good.

(P.S. I also have a meeting next week with Billy from MelPlace next week. The sheer joy and madness this is causing in our office is awesomely hilarious. This week? I love my job.)

Well, At Least I Went

It was a great day at work and everything seemed prime for a good run. I had forgotten, however, that those aches in my joints only get worse when I run on them. Stupid, Fobro. I kept at it tho, and while I didn't do my greatest workout ever, I feel trumphant I didn't give up. I did, however, go home, sit on the couch and cry from being sore.

But that's okay. I'll do it again tomorrow, and maybe even do it better.

Friday, October 12, 2007

New Hair!

May, Jasmin - this post is just for you. :)

side view:

back (this is where the purple-ey stuff is most):

top view:

God bless Apple's PhotoBooth app.

Robb *with 2 Bs* Is Dying My Hair!

Robb *with 2 Bs* Is Dying My Hair!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Better Late than Never, I suppose

So my friend Matt encouraged me to write here about what was bothering me of late (this was weeks? a month? ago, but I wanted to answer honestly and, well, that took some time and thought) and so I am. Now. So long after relevance it probably is no longer a concern or worth sharing. But, well. Here I am.

And I begin with the place I am now, have been in the past, and more likely will be in the future - until I screw my courage and figure out myself.

(I'm greatly looking forward to that day - the "screwing courage", though, seems to hold me up a bit)

See, I'm not sure what I want from my life. How to navigate it, how best even to live it. This past year I've made a concentrated effort to do better, feel better and I feel like in some areas I'm making true progress. I'm healthier - that's for sure. I don’t miss ice cream QUITE as much as I used to and exercise has gotten to be something I actually miss when I don’t do it.

Go figure.

I'm reading good books more regularly and lately I've been doing a lot of studying of art. Reading about it historically, looking at it currently and am slowly finding myself inspired to step timidly back in that great, cold lake.

I'm even doing better at trying things that scare me. (And believe you me when I say that some of those things are pretty silly and weird and I might be the only one that finds them a challenge - but look, that fancy treadmill at the gym? The one that all the gazelle-like runners use? The one that has all the crazy settings and tells you how far and fast and changes such things on display with a mere psychic push?! Yeah, I ran on it. So what. See? These are the things. Ha. And why I'll continue to keep them all pretty much to myself.)

So yeah, yay and good. Progress and wonder. Woo-hoo.

But here's the thing. There's this monster in the room I get really good at ignoring. I step over him, I dust around him, I even manage to not hear when he yells at me. I am very zen about it all. Except for the part where he consumes an average of 50 hours of my week. Over and over and over again. And I just don’t know what to do with him.

Make him my friend? Kick him out?


Yeah, my job,. My career at this point, if you will. If you want to get fancy, which if course I do as I love the fanciness. Oh, yes.

And it's not like it sucks. Or I suck. Or any of that. It's just, well, something's missing. Has been from the start. And lately I think I figured out what it is - what it's been this whole time.

I never really chose what I do. I fell into it. I lucked out. I took a job that was "just for now" and developed a really killer skill set. And then I got good at it.

Real good.

And every time I looked around it was more challenging and exciting and, well, cool. I get to do fun things and work on awesome stuff. . . and the people? Jesus Christ, the people ROCK. I've fallen in to some of the best teams ever. Which - you know - makes all the difference.

And I guess what I'm saying is I got lucky. I found something I could make good money at and truly enjoy. And you'd think that would be enough, right? But part of me still has hold of that dream born of beautiful books, galleries and the smell of turpenoid.

Part of me is still that young girl, arm tucked around her paintbox, dreaming of how she's going to change the world with her stories.

Or, more accurately now, the young woman who looked around her at the house and new convertible and fun, fanciful carefree life and said "This. Is. Not. Enough." And sold her belongings, put the rest in storage and moved alone to her Big Dream City.

I don’t know what to do with her. How to handle her. We're like a couple, broken up long ago and yet still friends. Easy to talk about all the unimportant things, still a bit wary of the big topics.

So, lately, we've just been sitting together. And, right now, I think that's what I need. To sit with her, get to know her again. Acquaint her with who I am. See how best we can get along. I know we can, that we will. But it's taking some navigating.

Some thought. Some evaluation of my life that's not always comfortable.

But in the end, will be worth it.

I believe that. I do. I have to.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Real Post Tomorrow - Promise!

Mr. Lance Armstrong tod me via my 'pod tonight he's proud of me and my 15 minute run. Ha. So there, gazelle-like lady next to me on the treadmill tonight. :)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Running Running Running

Well, and walking - I'm doing Intervals . . .

Because I can't get to work on my work machine:

Distance: 3.01 mi
Time: 47:19
Calories: 401

Number of Workouts: 3
Fartherst Workout: 3.01 mi
Total Distance: 6.94 mi
Total Time; 1.8 hours
Calories: 674

Hoepfully, over the weeks it'll get better. But now, I'm just happy it's consistent. :)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


" . . .Allons! the road is before us!
It is safe—I have tried it—my own feet have tried it well.

Allons! be not detain’d!
Let the paper remain on the desk unwritten, and the book on the shelf unopen’d!
Let the tools remain in the workshop! let the money remain unearn’d!
Let the school stand! mind not the cry of the teacher!
Let the preacher preach in his pulpit! let the lawyer plead in the court, and the judge expound the law.

Mon enfant! I give you my hand!
I give you my love, more precious than money,
I give you myself, before preaching or law;
Will you give me yourself? will you come travel with me?
Shall we stick by each other as long as we live? . . ."

Monday, October 01, 2007


Thirty-three years.

It feels like a good omen, three being my favorite number. But then, lately I've felt like a lot of things are good omens. Good things to come. Good things on the horizon. Good on its way.

And, well, for the first time in my life I'm looking forward to these things, as ethereal as they are, instead of waiting for the celiing to cave in before they get here. It's been my habit - something I saw as caution, preparedness, being at the ready: but it's really none of that.

It's just simply fear.

And while I've taken some chances in my life, and big ones at that - I've never felt entirely comfortable with good things. I have always felt I couldn't possibly deserve them, or that someone else needed them more. Earned them more. Could do more with them. No matter what the "them" is.

But recently I've slowly been changing things. Or, rather, taking control of them. Figuring out what I want and finding ways to get there. Oh, it's not all peaches and cream. I don't get everything I want - nor should I. But I am learning to accept things - the good things without feeling bad about them. WIthout negating them or myself. The bad things, too, seeign their purpose and lettign them go. Not hanging on, not dwelling. Not lettign them keep me from enjoying what's funa nd right about my life.

And it's probably the most important thing I've learned this year, my thirty-second: that good things happen when you work for them (and sometimes when you don't); and it's okay. It's okay to smile and enjoy them. To relish in them.

In figuring this out, I've also come to revisit some of the good things in my life I lost a bit, and weed out the bad. That's where I'm at now. Tending to the happiness, I guess. Reaching out and asking forgiveness from the good things I maybe didn't cherish properly, and saying goodbye to some of the bad stuff that only encouraged negative behaviour.

It's hard, and it's a long on-going process, but it will work out in the end. Meanwhile, I plan to spend this coming year laughing a lot and trusting myself more.

And being thankful. Every. Single. Day. That I have such an abundant amount of happiness to tend to.

Run #2

I've officially completed 2 runs, totaling 3.92 miles.

Slowly but surely . . . . I'm developing new habits.

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Official

These two nutjobs will be united in my home for a few days in October. Katy, I'm officially calling for back up.

P.S. Joe, I absolutely CANNOT WAIT to have you here in the city. AND, it's about f-in' time you came to see us!! Love you!

my first run with my bday present!

So I'm pathetically slow, and it says FIVE runs but it's just one. Ha. I'm sorry Nike.

But! So fun!

A Week Early, A Week Late

So last Friday Sam got a bunch of our nearest and dearest together to celebrate my birthday. Of course, it wasn't my birthday, but rather one week and one day BEFORE my birthday.


But those of you who know me, know I suck every single celebration I can out of September - and as a sign of how good our friends are here, none of them batted an eye over it. We started out in the plaza outside my work, as everyone slowly trickled in from various parts of the city. There was a moment when we took up four tables, everyone laughing and talking over each other, ordering drinks and passing around appetizers, when I looked around and thought to myself, "I cannot believe I'm this lucky."

When I moved here I had no idea what woudl happen. Sure I knew a couple people, but I'm not so good at making new friends. I honestly wasn't sure I would - but last week sitting in the dusk surrounded by laughter and stories and general fun, I realized this really has become home. Home in that way where it's not just about an address, or a job - or even just about me and Sam (though that's a huge, huge part). It's about findign a place where I can sit and feel comfortable and happy and, well, feel loved.

We know some amazing people here. People I want to bottle up and take with me if we ever leave. People I want to have you meet. That have become such a vital part of my life and well-being, I don't know how to even categorize them anymore. We're our own little family here in this concrete city, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But! back to the birthday! We forgot to take pictures in the courtyard, but Sam did pull out the camera at dinner. We went to this great little place in our neighborhood called "Druids" (it was pointed out that OF COURSE we'd go to a pub named Druid's fo rmy brithday - which I found hilarious) - it's a small bar on tenth avenue not far from our apartment with the most amazing back patio. All covered with trinkets and art and little white christmas lights. The best part, last week, was we could even see stars. Which, well, was present enough, honestly.

So, back to the pictures, Sam began taking some memories of all who were there, and then we all got distracted and it never happened - but we did get these:

This is Sarah. I adore her. We see her, on average, four times a year. This picture marked the second time in two weeks. We've promised to make this whole "seeing each other often" thing a habit. This makes me very very happy. Sam, too, as you can see.

Mikki was there, too, of course. Surprisngly she wasn't sick of me - even though we work together every day now. :) But as Sam's BFF and my Cretaive Life Partner, well, it seemed only proper she come out. That and she's SU-PERRRR.

One person we used to only see from time to time that's become a regular habit nowadays is Katy. I can honestly say having her around more often makes my life better. She's planning to move away soon, and this breaks my heart a little. Thank god Sam took such great pics of her.

You know. For memories.

Ha. Regardless, drinks and dinner had my cheeks sore from laughing so much.

And then, the few that were left climbed the four flights of stairs to our apartment for one last celebratory act: BIRTHDAY CAKE. Yummy, beautiful, wonderful chocolate hazelnut BIRTHDAY CAKE.

Dear lord, it was good. Magical, even. ;) My friend Andrea made it fo rme, and I can't even begin to describe how delicious it was. (IS - I still have some, I've been hoarding the last few pieces - I even stuck two in my freezer.)

Overall, awesome birthday. And it wasn't even my birthday! Have I mentioned the lucky-girlness of my life recently?

'Cause, well, LUCKY.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Little Leslie of the Caribbean

Last weekend was a great few days. Pretty much entirely attributed to those extra two people in that photo right up there.

It's the time of year for Les and Andy to come on back home and hang with those of us they left behind in the city when they moved down to paradise. And it's one of my favorite annual events. Sam and I miss those two like crazy, and the fun we have when they're around makes my cheeks hurt.

We usually spend the weekend eatting yummy food, seeing movies (usually involving Andy, Tracy and Sam laughing so hard and loud it gets to be as hilarious as the movies themselves) and generally just hanging out, talking and remembering why - yet again - New York City shouldn't be so very far away.

Not to mention that it seems Les and I have married very similar co-horts - and I, for but three days, can share glances across the table with a woman WHO KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT I'M THINKING. And then we can each roll our eyes and/or smack the man next to us.

And I have to say, there really is nothing better than having friends you consider family come into town and stay awhile. My heart is always a little bit more full when they're here, and this city definitely feels more like home. When they leave, as they always do that Monday in September - there's a little empty space in this crowded city I have a real hard time explaining away.

But it's alright, cause tradition is tradition and we'll see them in October, for a fun-filled Bell family overloaded weekend at Disney. ('Cause, as I said, they are so very family.) So, Les and Andy? We miss you already - but we know it won't be long til we see you again. This time in your neck of the woods. So the missin' isn't so bad. We're practically packed already we're so looking forward to seeing you two again.

The question is - are YOU ready?

Or perhaps - are my parents truly prepared for the four of us?!